My Journey as a Software Developer

Since November 2021, I've been diving into Laravel, Vue, and MySQL. In June 2022, I joined Tillo as a Junior Software Engineer and got promoted to Software Engineer soon after.


  • Software Engineer @ Tillo

    June 2022

    As part of an agile team, I focus on the back-end but also contribute to the front-end to improve Laravel and Vue legacy code projects, Tillo’s platforms, and build new projects around new finance requirements to support the company's global expansion. This includes attending meetings with stakeholders to gather requirements and provide technical assistance, integrating third-party services, adding new features, fixing bugs, scoping out and refining tickets for sign-off, documenting processes, mentoring junior developers and helping onboard new team members. I strive to implement best practices including Test Driven Development.

  • Junior Backend Developer @ XRF

    April 2022

    Built REST API projects in PHP with Laravel, fixed bugs and added new features to WordPress projects.

  • Junior Software Developer @ Friday Collective

    November 2021

    Fixed bugs, improved existing features and built new functionalities to CrankCRM, an online platform and its RESTful API using Laravel and Vue along with other technologies such as, MySQL, Bootstrap and Tailwind.



Aside from all these 'certified' courses I have a paid membership to Laracasts which I use regularly. And also enjoy attending to tech meetups and conferences such as the PHP UK Conference.

  • Docker & Kubernetes Fundamentals @ Udemy

    October 2023

    In this course I learnt the fundamentals to deploy Docker applications in AWS - manually, with managed services or with Kubernetes. Which involved creating and using images and containers with Docker, managing and persisting data with volumes, and container networking with Docker networks and DNS service discovery.

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  • Full-Stack Software Development Bootcamp @ iO Academy

    July 2021

    In this full-time project-based coding Bootcamp, I learnt the most common front and back-end languages and frameworks, with daily practical exercises, working on projects in a small team, and being involved in real production projects. I also became Scrum Master Certified and attended multiple tech lectures.

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  • Full-Stack Web Development Course @ Udemy

    June 2020

    Through practical exercises, I learnt from the basics to Bootstrap, different JavaScript libraries, and finally completing a Node.js and Express.js project.

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  • Responsive Web Design Certification @ freeCodeCamp

    December 2019

    In this 300-hour course, I improved my HTML & CSS skills and worked in small responsive-oriented projects.

  • Certificate in Front-End Web Development @ edx - W3Cx

    August 2018

    This was my first approach to web development, where I learnt HTML and CSS through video lessons and tests.

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